Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Snow Fall

Yes it snowed, twice, in October. But we were lucky, only about 3 or 4 inches both times. The roads were clear and we didn’t lose power. Many were not so lucky and are still without power.

This weekend we were also treated to a sighting of two foxes frolicking in our freshly hay mulched yard. They pounced and dined on a few mice in the process. It was a nice distraction from all the work going on inside the house.

Fall Uphill

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Green Building Open House this Saturday

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We announced back in June that we would be participating in the Green Building Open House sponsored by the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA). It’s being held in conjunction with the National Solar Tour this year. This Saturday, October 1st is the big day. We’re opening our doors to the public from 10am to 4pm.

Note to visitors, we’re still under construction. That means you’ll get to see all the duct work, pipes, cellulose insulation, foam, window details and all. It also means be aware of your surroundings at all times. We’re working like mad to make the place presentable but some spaces will be off limits.

And please be careful on the driveway, keep it in 1st gear.

Hope to see you here!


We had the plumbing venting roughed in a few weeks ago. Last week our plumber completed the wet pipes, hot and cold. We’re using Pex and a home run layout. Thought it looked very patriotic for a July 4th post.

Green Building Open House and National Solar Tour

Mark October 1, 2011 on your calendars. We’ve signed up for the Green Building Open House (sponsored by the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association) and the National Solar Tour (sponsored by the American Solar Energy Society). Consider yourselves invited.

It’s a dirty job…

I’ve noticed that we’ve somehow avoided talking about two of our most important and time-consuming chores: Moving stuff & construction clean-up.

Supplies, tools, and mountains of siding are being stored in the house. This stuff periodically needs to get shifted around from east side to west side and from 1st floor to 2nd floor to basement to access various areas of the house. Hopefully this will take up less time as materials are used up and the siding is installed.

We also spend a few hours each evening sweeping up of an endless supply of sawdust, dirt, scraps, and ladybugs*.  Not only does it make the house safer and more enjoyable to work in, but we’d rather have the professionals we’ve hired to help us concentrate their efforts on the tasks at hand (electric, plumbing, insulation, drywall) instead of spending their time (and our money) doing grunt work. We love the Shop-Vac we bought a few weeks ago. It’s by far the best way to clean out between the double wall framing. Why did we wait so long!

We’ve also taken on sorting trash and making dump runs. Our transfer station only charges for landfill garbage, so we save money and help the environment by recycling as much as possible. We’re still on our first box (30-count) of 42-gallon recycled, oxodegradable contractor bags, using only 2-3/month, so we’ve been pretty good about keeping waste to a minimum.

* A swarm of ladybugs moved in before we closed in the house last fall, hiding in the framing and under stacks of wood. Every warm day some wake up from hibernating and crawl/fly about before dying. Once the house is air sealed, they won’t be able to get back in, but does anyone have any ideas on how to get them to move out?

Water Line

Having a few rain free days in a row can really make a difference. This week our excavator dug the trench to the well. He had to pound through a few areas of ledge. The well guys then installed the water pipe and electric line to power the pump. They will install the pump and tank a little later when we’re  farther along with the electric and plumbing.

This weekend we’re finishing up some of the window insulation details and framing out the bathroom wall for the pocket door.

Review by GBA

Green Building Advisor is one of our favorite sources of information on green building and today they published a nice review of our blog. Check it out, and all they have to offer.

Blog Review: Up Hill House

January Update

After a week of on and off snow, the final metal panels of the roof were installed. We officially have a roof.

In preparation for the final electric hookup, the wiring and boxes for the panel and meter were also installed.

Tree trimming for electric service

Today the tree trimming company Asplundh arrived to clear the areas where the electric service would be installed along the driveway. Although I looked forward to any progress getting permanent electricity to site, I knew it would involve removing more trees. Fortunately many will be taken to a local sawmill and returned as framing lumber for future projects. Now we’re ready for the poles to be installed in two weeks.

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