Metal roof progress

They started installing the metal roof yesterday. They were able to complete most of the south facing side. Today they completed the south side (except for the final panel which has yet to be cut), and they completed about a quarter of the north side. Weather willing, they should finish tomorrow.

We’re using a standing seam, snap-on type concealed fastener metal panel system, made by ASP a local sheet metal fabrication company in Scotia. It costs somewhere between a true standing seam (hand folded on site) and a screw down metal roof. The advantage is that the fasteners are concealed so the panels can expand and contract without stressing the fasteners. It’s all prefabricated, so the labor cost is lower.

And now that we can see it in place, we think it looks great.

The south facing side has more fasteners due to the solar panel installation that will be on that side.

We’re still debating snow guards. I have no doubt that snow will accumulate even with a 12/12 pitch and metal roof. When it comes down it will dangerous to anything in it’s way, not to mention our gutters. Had a nice discussion of the merits of a snap on metal roof for solar and snow guards on GreenBuildingAdvisor. Lots of good advice there.

5 Responses to “Metal roof progress”

  1. 1 Jim Merrithew 10-January-2011 at 11:57 am

    Larry, In January 1998, areas of Eastern Ontario, Southern Quebec, Northern Vermont, New Hampshire and New York were hammered by an Ice Storm. Over four days of freezing rain, about five inches of ice built up on the roof of my house. We were without power for twelve days. Fortunately, the temperature remained close to 32 F (0 C) for that time.
    In mid February, we had a mild spell. One day, I came home to discover that the sheet of ice had slid from the steel roof. The ice panel landed 12 feet from the drip line. Had anyone been walking past the house, or coming up the front stairs, they would have been seriously injured or killed.
    I would suggest installing the ice guards on your house, especially above the walk-out.
    When I renovated my house, I replaced the steel with asphalt shingles. The safety considerations outweighed the environmental benefits of steel.
    – Jim

  2. 3 Jim Merrithew 11-January-2011 at 12:47 pm

    Larry, here are two blog sites for Net Zero Homes located in from Edmonton, Alberta. The approaches of Conrad and Shafraaz are very similar to yours. You may find the info interesting and very useful. The Mill Creek Net Zero Home site has quite a bit of technical detail. I hope these help. – Jim

    Mill Creek NetZero Home index page of topics. The home is in Edmonton, Alberta. Very good analysis of many subjects related to designing, building and living in a Net Zero House in a northern urban environment.

    Mill Creek Net Zero Energy House discussion about concrete floors.

    Net Zero Energy house under construction, in Edmonton, Alberta. This is also a very nice site.

  3. 4 Jim Merrithew 12-January-2011 at 11:58 am

    This morning I found a site about the Belfast Cohousing community in Maine. They have a series of videos about the development and features of their Net Zero House prototype.
    You may enjoy the series.

  1. 1 Solar continued… « Up Hill House Trackback on 2-May-2011 at 8:17 am

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